IPXO Introduces Reverse DNS Delegation Automation and Management 

4 min read
2 May 2022

Discover how IPXO's automated rDNS delegation feature provides clients with more control over IP resources.

Reverse DNS enables translating IP addresses into memorable domain names.

At IPXO, we wanted to extend the functionality of the Domain Name System (DNS) that translates machine-readable Internet Protocol (IP) addresses into domain names. We are happy to announce that our Product Development team has created a Reverse DNS (rDNS) feature that facilitates the automated management of reverse DNS records. With this new IPXO rDNS delegation automation feature launched in May 2022, IP address lessees now have more control over the resources than ever before. 

At the moment, the IPXO rDNS feature is available for subnets distributed by Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Center (RIPE NCC) and the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN). 

Let’s review the new rDNS delegation automation feature and how it can help manage leased assets more efficiently. 

Manual nameserver setup is time-consuming

A nameserver, or DNS server, is like a library of the Domain Name System that helps convert domain names, such as google.com or ipxo.com, into IP addresses. The nameserver also stores and organizes information related to DNS records. 

DNS records hold essential information related to smooth email delivery and authentication. One critical type of record in email marketing is the Pointer Record (PTR), or reverse DNS record.  

Email filters can use this record as a security tool. How does this work? When a user receives an email, the mail server checks the PTR record that comes with the message. The server inspects if the mail server sending the email corresponds to the IP address that it claims to be using. This is one of the ways to prevent spam and ensure email deliverability. 

When clients lease subnets at IPXO, they must decide if they need PTR records. If they do, and, let’s say, they lease 1,000 IP addresses, they might need to configure 1,000 PTR records. Needless to say, setting up so many records manually is a long and complicated process. 

Moreover, a company setting up PTR records manually needs to have an on-site DNS server to perform all configurations by itself. Unfortunately, smaller companies might not have the budget to maintain such infrastructure.  

At IPXO, we can host DNS servers and take PTR-related management matters into our own hands. 

PTR records in the DNS system prevent spam and enhance email deliverability.
Pointer Records (PTR) help prevent spam and ensure email deliverability

What makes the rDNS delegation automation feature stand out?

Reverse delegation, or reverse resolution, is a reverse DNS record that maps an IP address to a hostname.  

The organization that receives IP resources from the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) usually maintains reverse delegations. Unfortunately, manual management of reverse DNS records for network administrators is time-consuming as they need to create PTR records one by one for each IP address. 

Moreover, administrators must perform manual checks to present the clients with the rDNS records for specific IPs upon request. Naturally, if many clients request data at once, more time is needed to fulfill all requests. 

Thanks to the rDNS delegation automation feature, IPXO can automatically set up reverse record delegations. In other words, we can set up the nameserver in a specific RIR for specific subnets to allow clients to retrieve PTR records via the IPXO platform themselves.  

Clients can quickly access their PTR records without the need for manual management or help from our teams. They can also view, edit or delete PTR records as needed. Most importantly, clients do not need to contact IPXO, which, in turn, saves time for other important tasks. 

Of course, if any issues arise, we are ready to assist you as soon as possible. 

rDNS delegation automation overview

When clients lease IPs, they need to decide if they want to manage the leased subnets themselves or via the IPXO platform. Clients can choose to handle their resources on their servers, and once the reverse zones are ready, they can use delegation on the IPXO platform to use these resources. 

If clients choose to use the rDNS delegation automation feature, IPXO creates appropriate reverse zones for the leased subnet. The reverse delegation is configured in a specific RIR database when the zone is created. After the delegation is complete, the rDNS zone becomes available to the lessees and they can create rDNS records. 

However, this feature works only for clients who have their companies registered and who have leased IP addresses.  

Once the clients lease IPs, they can access the reverse DNS records as well as edit or delete records via the Reverse DNS Records menu.  

How to access the Reverse DNS Records menu

Once you log in to your IPXO account, click My Resources (IPAM) in the menu at the top, select My Leased IPs to access your leased resources and then click the subnet you want to edit. 

Subnet selected in IPXO Portal's My Leased IPs menu.
A subnet in IPXO Portal’s My Leased IPs menu

The Reverse DNS Records menu shows all the leased IP addresses and PTR records. Here, you can also use Bulk Upload or Bulk Delete functions to manage multiple records at once. 

A list of PTR records in IPXO's Reverse DNS Records menu.
Reverse DNS Records menu in the IPXO Portal

Note: Once you upload PTR records, it can take around 24 hours for the DNS to propagate and start working properly. 

Reverse DNS management made easy

When customers lease IP addresses, they can manage reverse DNS themselves. However, manual management may require time and additional resources. With IPXO, you don’t need to worry about that. 

We ensure that our clients can use our DNS servers without investing in their own infrastructure. Our clients can use the platform to view, edit and delete their PTR records. They also do not need to contact us directly unless any troubleshooting is needed. 

If your company needs IP resources to grow, sign up and start leasing today. Should any questions come up, do not hesitate to contact us directly. If you wish to keep up to date with the new improvements of the IPXO platform, subscribe to a monthly email and receive the latest news and updates. 

About the author

Vincentas Grinius


Vincentas is a business-driven geek with over 15+ years of network, infrastructure and internet policy experience. As a CEO at IPXO, the Internet Protocol platform, Vincentas focuses on helping address complex network management issues and the global IPv4 shortage.
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