IPXO Statistics
Data ranging from 1 Jan 2022
Data updated: 30 Sep 2024
Latest updates from the world’s largest IPv4 Marketplace
New IP lessors
(last full month)
New orders
(last full month)
Average IPv4 deal price
(last 90 days)
Current utilization rate
(last week)
The size of the IPXO Marketplace
We are constantly expanding the IPXO Marketplace and developing new features for the increasing number of IP Lessors and IP Lessees. Below are the total numbers of IPv4 addresses currently available and leased on the Marketplace.
IPv4 in the market
IPv4 Leased
Lease rate
The utilization rate of all IPv4 addresses currently available on the IPXO Marketplace.
Average utilization rate
Average IPv4 deal price
Owning the world’s largest IPv4 Marketplace, we are proud to present one of the most reliable updates on the latest global IPv4 prices. Below is the average lease price per IPv4 address on the IPXO Marketplace across different RIRs.
Average IPv4 deal price
Top 10 IPv4 Lessor Countries
Hundreds of IP holders use the IPXO Marketplace to monetize over 3 million IPv4 addresses. Here is a list of countries representing most of our IP holders.
Top 10 IPv4 Lessee Countries
The IPXO Marketplace is the world’s leading source of unused IPv4 addresses. Here is a list of countries representing most of our IP lessees.
Abuse type history
Filter the types of automatically handled abuse incidents at IPXO marketplace and discover how different types of abuse fluctuate over time.
Abuse type breakdown
Here’s a full view of the volume of IPv4 address abuse, by type, that is automatically handled at the IPXO Marketplace.
Automatic vs. Manual Abuse case Handling
As the world’s first fully automated IP lease marketplace, IPXO has implemented automated IP address abuse handling, and only a small percentage of abuse cases require manual handling.