IPXO Platform
Learn more about the IPXO platform with our short, beginner friendly articles.
A Guide to Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is a security feature that requires two forms of verification to access an account: something you know (like a password) and something you have (like a smartphone, desktop application or an authentication code). By adding an extra layer of protection, 2FA significantly enhances account security. It plays a crucial role in reducing the risk of unauthorized access and safeguarding sensitive account information.
How to hide and unhide child subnets
This new feature allows IP Holders to choose which specific subnet children within their larger subnet they want to hide.
IP Leasing Dashboard
This article covers everything you need to know about the IP Leasing Dashboard, including navigation, key features, and effective management of your leased IPs.
IP Monetization Dashboard
This article covers everything you need to know about the IP Monetization Dashboard, including navigation, key features, and easy ways to maximize your IP monetization.
How to Access the IPXO Marketplace if You Are a New Client
A step-by-step guide on how to access the IPXO Marketplace.
ROA Suggestions Feature
Learn how to optimize the management of your IPs by signing in to IPXO
How to Update My Company Information
A step-by-step guide on how to update company information via IPXO's Portal.
How to Terminate a Subnet on the Marketplace (IP Holder)
Step-by-step instructions on how to terminate/remove subnets from the IPXO Portal.
How to Sign Up on the IPXO Portal
Learn how to sign up on IPXO Portal and access the user's management platform.
What Are Commitments and How Do They Work?
A comprehensive guide on how to take full advantage of the Commitments feature.
How to Order IP Addresses
Learn how to lease IP addresses via the IPXO Marketplace and where to find them once they are leased.
How to Monetize Your IP Subnet in the Marketplace
A step-by-step guide on how to monetize your subnet via the IPXO Marketplace.
Contact Customer Solutions
If you have any questions, contact our Customer Solutions Team